Thursday, July 31, 2008

Broken Promises

I just wish the IOC could break its promises like the Chinese have broken theirs; just to give them a taste of their own medicine. When Beijing was campaigning for the upcoming Olympic Games Chinese officials promised that their human rights record and public access to the Internet would be bettered.


China's human rights record has not gotten better and may have even been further tarnished in the recent months. The so-called "increased access" is limited to sites that the Chinese government deem legal; so in other words: no improvement there. And then China has been "cleaning up" Beijing lately by removing those people they consider "undesirable" and replacing them with little pieces of artwork to beautify the city.

China really hasn't fulfilled its commitments to the IOC. In a fair world, the IOC would be able to withold the Games from Beijing but with just over a week until the opening ceremonies there is no chance of that.

China: 1 Olympics: 0

Do you feel proud about what you've done China?

- blenCOWe

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