Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Further Proof

I have found further proof that money dominates the politics of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Yesterday, I posted about how the Liberal Party is in dire need of money and that filling the party coffers is one of their major goals for the summer. In doing so, I made reference to how their ability to force the rumoured fall election will be dependent on how much and how quickly they are able to fundraise.

In the period between now and the next session of parliament, four by-elections are supposed to take place. The seats to be filled are in the Guelph, Don Valley West, Saint Lambert and Westmount ridings. It had originally been planned that the elections to fill these seats would be held simultaneously in the first week of September. This approach makes sense to me as it would make it easier on Elections Canada and would allow the parties to coordinate with, and help, the campaigns easier and just seems logical.

Unfortunately, though, this plan doesn't work for the Liberal Party. The current party line is that the current member for the Don Valley riding, John Godfrey (who is resigning for a teaching position) is not set to resign until August 1, and that date was chosen by him. According to election law, this would not provide enough campaign time to conduct the vote in the first week of September.

The funny thing about this is that Mr. Godfrey could leave his position earlier. Its not like parliament is in session or that he is conducting summer meetings with his constituents. There is absolutely no need for him to stay until August when he is currently void of any representative duties.

So why would he continue to hold his seat later than necessary, probably fully aware of the effect in doing so?

Maybe because the Liberal Party is not ready for the by-elections, let alone a regular general election. It is becoming more and more clear that the Liberal Party is doing all they can to avoid having to face the public in an election. They have upheld a government that they are fiercely critical of, they are spending more time and energy promoting scandal concers rather than fruitful policy discussion and now they are dragging ass on filling empty seats in the House.

By the first week of September Dion should have had enough time to promote his Carbon Tax plan to the people of Canada. Having an extra two weeks would not have that much of an influence on convincing the electorate. So why wait then? It must be the money! It's always the money!

The Liberals are showing their continued inability/unreadiness to contest an election. They are downright fearful of it (Remember when Dion said that they party was ready to contest an election? That was a while ago! LOL). Assuming that its not that they don't believe in their Carbon Tax platform, it remains that their biggest concern is ... their lack of money.

So why do they not have any money? Because they generated fewer financial supporters and generated less money for the party. Maybe that means the message they are spreading and the actions they are taking are not that well liked by the citizens of Canada.

Uh oh, there goes the "green shift" ... and the election (if it ever comes)!

- blenCOWe

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