Monday, September 29, 2008

Election thoughts from Beausejour

Last night was the first candidates debate in the Beausejour riding. It took place at the Brunton auditorium on the campus here at Mount Allison University. The place was filled for the most part and pretty evenly split between students and regular residents of Sackville.

The candidates of the four parties contesting this riding were all there. Representing the Liberals was incumbent Dominic Leblance, Omer Leger for the Conservatives, Mike Milligan for the Green Party and my fellow classmate Chris Durrant for the NDP. Each candidate was given the floor for ten minutes and this was then followed by a question and answer period with questions coming from the audience.

Omer Leger greatly emphasized his level of experience in New Brunswick provincial politics. He played mostly on the strength of leadership of Stephen Harper but argued vigorously that it was time that Beausejour was represented by someone other than the Liberal party. He proposed that he would put in "aggressive effort to create opportunities for young people and young professionals" to stop the hemhorraging of New Brunswick's young workforce to Canada's West.

Dominic Leblanc's ten minute introduction largely parroted the views of Liberal leader Stephane Dion, further strengthening my belief that Mr. Leblanc is merely a mouthpiece for Dion and does not really represent his riding. He focused on the two issues of the national campaign; economy and the environment. The only thing he said that I believe truely would benefit this area was the re-investment in post-secondary education by way of the Millenium Bursury Foundation. As a past recipient of a Millenium Bursury, this spoke to me because of the great help my bursury had on relieving my student debt.

Mike Milligan didn't really impress me in his speech. He conveyed his past experiences, not in politics but in life and while he showed considerable insight it was not enought to instill the kind of confidence that one should have in their elected representative. In terms of political views, he stuck to the generic Green Party dialogue.

As for Chris Durrant, I've known him for a while now, being in more than a few classes with him and through my extensive involvement in politics on campus. I knew he would be entertaining and intelligent but the force at which he presented himself with onstage caught me by surprise. Chris easily had the best opening speech of all the candidates, utilizing the French language more than the others, probably in preparation for the upcoming debates in the more heavily francophone areas of this riding. I believe he connected with many of the youth in the crowd on what he and the NDP saw as Canada's future, both home and abroad, as well as his willingness to fight for families augmented by a personal experience that all could identify with.

At this point I could conclude that the majority of the crowd were either won over by Chris' presence or were supporters of him from the beginning. Either way, it was clearly evident that the majority of the crowd were behind Chris.

The question and answer period was politically risky for the candidates as the floor was open to any and everyone in the crowd. I had a pretty good idea of what questions would be asked of the candidates and the people in the audience did not disappoint. We heard questions about sustainability, nuclear power/waster, Omar Khadr, Insite as well as justice and childcare. Mr. Leblanc had mentioned in his opening statement that he was looking forward to some questions on Canada's role in the world. I was looking forward to this subject but the only topic that was really breached was Canada's foreign aid. I had a couple tough questions for the candidates in theis area but unfortunately the debate had a curfew of 9:30pm so I missed out. But this, like I have written about in the past, is a perfect example of how this election is narrow sighted, concerning mainly subjects of domestic importance.

As for how each candidate did, this may be debatable but the way I see it, Chris showed intelligence and presence that far exceeded his experience. I truely think that like the opening statements, he excelled and was at the top. Joining him up there was Dominic, who used his tremendous amount of experience to provide well articulated and polished answers. As for Mr. Milligan, the question period exposed even more his lack of experience and knowledge in federal politics. Unfortunately, the worst performance of the day was by Omer Leger who appeared to be unprepared, dodging many questions that are of great interest in this election.

I will be following this election closely as it is the riding that I will be voting in and I try to give updates as more events happen.

- blenCOWe

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