Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!!

After a long absence from blogging, I am back. Football camp is over and I am back to school and have more time on my hands. This is a great thing because I am excited for the election that finally became official today.

Watching the leaders on television today was interesting. Some thoughts I had this morning while watching them were:
- Dion is still uninspiring
- Layton is pushing harder than ever to become the choice of the left wing
- Duceppe is ... well... he's just there
- May speaks well but strikes me as any other Green Party candidate: someone who is entertaining but will not be taken seriously (as an option) by the majority of voters
- Harper seems strong and well prepared for this election

I can't wait to see how this election plays out. I expect a lot of slander from the opposition parties and a harsh dose of reality, provided by the Conservatives, as to how successful the other leaders would be as Prime Ministers.

In my mind, there is no doubt the Conservatives will become the government again. The question in my mind is whether or not a majority will be reached.

Oooooh the election fever is growing

- blenCOWe

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