Monday, April 20, 2009

Russia Changing its Tune

"Russia has no claims on the North Pole nor does it plan to militarize the Arctic, but it aims to persuade a United Nations commission of additional territorial claims."-- National Post

Apparently this is Russia's stance on the Arctic, according to the Russian envoy to the Arctic Council. Funny enough though, this appears to contradict Russia's recent track record when it comes to the Arctic.

The short list of relevant events can be as follows:

- the expedition that planted the Russian Flag on the North Pole

- the recent, and noticeable, change in military activity like flyovers by Russian airplanes that have been approaching US and Canadian airspace

- Russia's announcement that it will create a military unit designed to operate in Arctic conditions

- not to mention the all the rhetoric coming from Russia like when "expedition leader Artur Chilingarov made a series of eye-catching claims at the time, such as: 'the Arctic has always been Russian and will remain so."

Could this be a sign that Russia has decided its case for territorial expansion into the Arctic is not as strong as it may have thought? Reasonably there must be a pretty good reason for Russia taking a step back from its claim to such a resource rich area. Maybe the time has come to change tactics and challenge Russia on what it isn't saying rather than what it has been saying.

Just a thought...

- blenCOWe

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